
Comment image 37

As if the clear stripper shoes weren’t enough, is that a gold bra I see under the dress!


Smiley Suri at Mohit Suri’s Birthday Bash

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. I think she looks totally gorgeous…co-ordinated outfit, pretty face, sexy dress, plus she has the bod for it…totally rocks the look

  2. hey priyanka, payal…now a days u dont put up new pictures often o put very less posts….i keep comin but i see no new posts…

  3. this dress doesn’t leave much to the imagination. on the plus side, at least she’s got the figure to wear something so teensy.

  4. LOL Payal love your stripper shoes & bra strap comment. It’s the truth – she looks cheap!
    There’s so many things wrong with Smiley’s outfit – I even hate her bag!!

  5. I agree she looks bad …and stapless dress has to go with strapless bras …but I am scared of strapless bras ..I just wear a black halter or a transparent strip …but then I keep my dresses or tops also in black so that it looks like part of the dress…

  6. OMG!! HAHA when I was scrolling down, I thought she was naked! 😛

    Arghhh it’s called a STRAPLESS BRA for a reason….so use it!! The dress is actually not that bad…had it been in another color


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