Lehenga Ladies

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The ladies of Midnight’s Children opted for lehengas at the movie’s premiere at TIFF with Shriya doing pink in a Manish Malhotra and Shahana red in a Sabyasachi.

Unfortunately, we didn’t like either one. Shriya’s choli was a deal breaker and Shahana’s look could’ve used a black choli to break apart all that red.

Props for doing desi though. 🙂

P.S. Shahana is wearing earrings by Eina Ahluwalia.

Shriya Saran and Shahana Goswami
at Midnight’s Children Premiere at the 2012 Toronto International Film Festival

Shriya Saran and Shahana Goswami
at Midnight’s Children Premiere at the 2012 Toronto International Film Festival


Photo Credit: Zimbio

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  1. When you have an opportunity to represent your country and movie in a film festival, this is what you come up with?? Wearing the belly chain is so tacky and Shahana hair is such a downer..

  2. I think Shahana looks lovely and manages to carry off all that red whereas on someone else it would’ve been an overdose of the colour..especially with the red lips..but it looks good on her. Shriya on the other hand looks raunchy with the choli. I’ve been a volunteer at TIFF for the past 3 years and can’t put in the time due to work constraints this year. I feel like the bollywood contingent sometimes goes a bit overboard in dressing for TIFF because it’s a much more casual atmosphere than the other film festivals. I’m looking forward to Sridevi’s appearance for English Vinglish!

  3. So bad so bad both of them, looks so cheap. they both need mirrors . specially Sahana being a fellow bong she she shd know how to wear a sari.

  4. omg, seriously!!!! these ladies should take a leaf out of sharmila tagore’s appearance at cannes a few years back. why is it so tough to dress elegantly when u have a team of stylists & designers at your disposal?

  5. Why does Ms Saran have to go over the top with the posing? There are ways to make an outfit look classy and ways to make it look horribly tacky. She’d be the latter.

  6. Is it not the production team’s responsibility to pay extra attention to ladies who are famous for having no dressing sense? – Shahana, we worship your acting, but you need to be extra careful when representing your country for such prestigious events!

  7. That red sari is red hottt wish i could afford to buy it, wonder how much it costs? girls any ideas? is it overa 1000 usd? or more? i didnt even look at sahana’s makeup etc all i cud see was the red sari!!!!

  8. I really don’t like Shriya’s ensemble. Her posture, hair and the waist chain really make it worse. However, the work on Shahana’s outfit is beautiful. I agree it’s too one toned but what brought the look down for me is her disheveled hair.

  9. Shriya is a beautiful lady and she needs to relax a bit and she will surely wow people. Shriya – cover up and dont put your best front forward(pun intended) and you will look more graceful.

  10. Oh my lord!!!! What was Shahana thinkin…that hair and make-up..does she not own a mirror at home? Shriya too ruins it with the hair for me. Both of them are borderin on WTHey for me!!!

  11. The less said about Shriya’s outfit the better: pretty woman but the oufits—aiyo! And regarding Shahana, I like the colour on her and the sari is lovely, but I have some peeves mainly in the overall styling area. I agree with you that a contrast blouse would have been better. Also I would have not worn red lippie as it’s just a bit too much. I also think her hair could have been a bit more polished….maybe it was meant to be a messy updo, but it came across as a bit sloppy to me. And wish her earrings were a bit better: come on, we have lovely stuff to chose from…Amprapali anyone?!?

  12. This is one of the most prestigious film festivals in the world. did Shriya think she was heading to a mujra bar? Shahana fares a tad better in spite of the bared midrif

  13. ohh god such wonderful clothes totally wasted! Shriya saran is looking like a vamp with that hairdo! and shahana! crass! i fail to comprehend what s happening with her in that red lehenga. choice of cluth and earrings! well lesser said the better~

  14. Shana doesn’t look too bad. Sure, it’s lots of red, but it’s not immodest or inappropriate in anyway.

    Shriya needs to stop with the wannabe sexy poses – she’s pretty and has a nice bod, we get it. Makes even the best outfits off-putting (this one is far from it, for reasons already stated above). She needs a blouse+bling intervention…STAT!

  15. Shriya has a beautiful face but her style is always so forced. Never effortless. The hair is so bad here. I actually don’t mind all the red in Shahana’s outfit, its the earrings that should have been different.

  16. they both do look beautful from neck up an the colours of the outfits are lovely. i agree they don’t look perfect but they are very far from being a disaster.

  17. I love the fact these ladies chose to wear traditional clothes rather than gowns, I’m a firm believer that Indian women should wear saris more! Being Indian I love the feeling a sari gives me, I feel more sophisticated, elegant and beautiful- a better version of myself. I don’t see why beautiful saris can’t compete with designer gowns… With that said, tacky lenghas should be alone! Shahanas sari is beautiful, a lot of red, but with her dusky skin tone, she carries it off well, everything else lets her look down…if an actress like Deepika was wearing such a sari she would have been styled immaculately head to toe and would have been rocking that sari!!!

  18. It tells us the trend of market and even celebrities are also liking this awesome outfit designer lehengas. In the bollywood movies you can see how designers are using it in movies.


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