Side(Burn) Effects.

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We sure didn’t spot the sideburns last time and now that we have, we dislike Shahana’s do even more! The sideburns coupled with the outfit, for us, is bordering a lot on a WTHeyyy! What about for you?

Catch more pics from the event at ‘The Gallery’.


Shahana Goswami at ‘Jashn’ Press Meet

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. Its almost as if she made a deliebrate attempt to hide her pretty.
    I totally hate this. And i shouldnt even start on the two-tone hair. :/

  2. Oops what happened to her hair ? Anyways the top and pants don’t look bad at all, she looks pretty good! Apart from the hideous hair.. LOVE the print of her top!!!!

  3. yeah apparently she will be playing a role that is out of this world in her next film. how does one even grow a sideburn? is it just a patch of hair and some super glue?

  4. I am looking at the hand gesture in the second picture and wondering whether she actually thinks she is looking sexy!! Her hairdo makes her look like the daughter of werewolf.

  5. Did an evil sister or brother take her/his revenge on Suhana ?

    I remember I had done this to my sister once and poor thing had to wear a cap/scarf fora long time. She still sends me on guilt trips for that one !!!

  6. Side burns!??! Really? She looks like a primitive human being. Like the return of the apes or whatever that movie was. Gosh! I’ve no sense of fashion and survive in tracks and salwar kameezes or jeans. But this? Really? Gosh!

  7. Why is this still bordering on WTHHHEy ? This is what Whattheheyyyyyyyy is made of ! The hair is ridiculous. The shirt is terrible and the color of those pants are triggering all of my gag reflexes.
    Totally agree with the wolverine comment. That bit of blond hair on top of her head…WHY ???

  8. OMG forget the sideburns ( although they are hideous!)
    Look at the eye-makeup, every thing about this look is plain scary, she should go back to her original do:)

  9. ?!?!?!?!

    I was ALL FOR her rocking a short style, but the sideburns must go ASAP! For a split second i can see what she was going for but she needs to go back to the salon and get it trimmed down and gel it a little, or just cut them off! 🙁

  10. I think she looks gorgeous. Ok so the side bits near he ears are a bit much but overall short hair suits her. & her outfit is stunning. She looks so classy & cute at the same time!


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