In Anita Dongre

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The screening of ‘Vara’ at the Tribeca Film Festival saw Shahana in a bright lime-green Anita Dongre. The maxi with its dhoti style detailing was finished out with a statement Manish Arora for Amrapli neckpieces and cuffs from Valliyan by Nitya and Curio Cottage.

The hand cuffs seemed over kill but she looked good nevertheless. You like?


Shahana Goswami at Vara Screening at Tribeca Film Festival 2014

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  1. Very pretty neck up! Also love the neckpiece. The maxi itself is atrocious and quite unflattering – like a giant, pear-shaped glow stick.

  2. WOW! She looks superb. Yes the cut is a bit weird. But she looks gorgeous and carries it off well…Where was she all these months? such a unused talent

  3. Crawl out of the rock you’ve been living under? And perhaps watch Rock On. And while you’re at it, take some lessons on typing etiquette, particularly the lesson on how not to type comments in all caps.


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