Shade The Moolah

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Ok, so obviously Aishwarya Rai’s shades in Sarkar Raj did not quite cost Rs ten lakhs, but if the mere suggestion got you breathless, here are a pair of super expensive shades… The Dolce and Gabbana sunglasses cost a whopping $383,609!! Yessiree, you heard it right!

We know where Ash should be shopping for the next sequel don’t we?!!? 😉

Via Luxury Launches

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  1. So, how is the $383,609 pair different from it’s $360 (authentic) counterpart (they look identical).

    I just realized I can’t post an external link but the $360 pair can be easily found by googling the product code.

    Another gimmick…. *yawn*

  2. just to have dolce and gabbana written with stones on the side??? i wonder if these actually sell for that amount.. and which fool buys them..


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