In Rajesh Pratap Singh

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Sarah Jane killed it at the GQ do in her black Rajesh Pratap Singh. She made a bold choice by opting for no innerwear but the risk paid off. She looked amazing. The hairdo and simple studs finished out the restrained sexy look perfectly.



Sarah Jane Dias at GQ India’s Best Dressed Men Bash 2013

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. Umm….. NO. Those pants are screaming out to be hemmed higher , let me not even go into their fit especially around the crotch, those satin edges on the jacket are shoddily executed and those pockets are just plain ridiculous. I think what you like is the IDEA behind this outfit, which I agree is sexy and chic but the outfit of choice itself is a cheap knock off of what it should have been. Something simpler and better cut and without those satin linings would have worked much better. Shame cause she is an attractive looking woman and this outfit could have potentially knocked it out of the ballpark,

  2. Doesnt look so great, methinks.
    Badly fitted, and the jacket’s proportions seem wrong. Maybe on a taller woman it would have worked better.

    • spot on!
      the jacket is tailored awfully with the lapels really remniscent of nightwear
      and the fit of the pants is not good at all

      that being said i agree that sarah jane neck up looks great and brings the right attitude to the outfit
      unfortunately the outfit does her zero justice

      unless rajesh pratap singh was going for the pajama trend that seems to be pretty big in hollywood at the moment (lord only knows why)
      but from looking at this i doubt it – i looks like a poorly executed attempt at a tux-like menswear inspired look

  3. The outfit itself is ludicrous (like nightwear as loads of people have already pointed out), so extra kudos for managing to look so hot in it!

  4. Like Honestly you guys !
    Again, I need to start all over …

    This is called androgyny ! The silhouette is Over Sized and its meant to be !

    Why can’t Indian people think of fashion beyond body conscious silhouettes ?

    The lady manages to pull this Over Sized androgynous look with so much grace !

    Xx JG


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