In Primark

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Sara attended the Simmba success party wearing a sequin striped dress from Primark. Now, the dress itself was fun, but between the matching headband and the pumps, the look just felt so disconnected. Agree? Disagree?

Sara Ali Khan

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. I am all for celebs wearing affordable clothing but Primark has a particularly bad ring to it. Thats a level I do not expect celebs to stoop to. Surely, they earn enough to not support $2 shirts made by poorly paid-labour in squalid conditions.

    • I feel only Carrie Bradshaw can be Carrie Bradshaw… Anyone else trying to do that will end up being the disaster in the picture shown above…

  2. I wonder if everyone would be as horrified had you not mentioned Primark. The dress looks good enough on her, the headband a bit excessive, Simba Ranveer influence, but her overall look is very wholesome and disarming.

  3. Well looked like she wanted a bit of a spunk in her look but it looks disconnected. Nice sleek sandals would have been nice considering the dress is so lit.

  4. The pretentious comments here looking down on Primark are so amusing. If you had posted that this dress was by Gucci, Prada, LV or some such, people would be gushing over the look. I, for one, would love to see celebs do more high-street fashion to create looks that are accessible to us mere mortals.

  5. I don’t get why is everyone is scoffing at Primark. Good for her for wearing this sequinned xmas tree outfit that has had multiple versions done everyone from TOPSHOP, to Zara and Prada! That said, i agree with Sana – she is veering towards to the lets add one more thing to the look, much like what KJO does most of the time – eventually looking silly!

    • Just so people know, Primark does cheap knockoffs of high street brands…so if you’re a celebrity that can afford not only high street but high fashion clothing, then why feed a brand that makes money by exploiting the poor?

      • every brand out there can unfortunately be accused of unethically sourcing and fabrication. I for one think its great she’s in Primark – thereby giving those who can’t afford high street or luxury, some inspiration. We always complain of celebs wearing things that are out of reach of the common folk, so here goes …


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