Sari Style: Part Deux

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At the audio launch of Abhinetri, Rakul wore a concept Ruvya by Ruchika and Divya sari. Now, if you instantly disliked that suspender blouse or even the idea of it, then you were not alone. I did too. The blouse bunching up on the right also didn’t help its case.

Rakul, for her part though, managed to still look nice if you ignore the blouse. Perhaps wearing the pallu a bit more broader and tucked only under the right strap might have worked better for this look.


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  1. What is the point of the suspenders here?! Surely they will be of use if attached to the petticoat-sari as that’s the part you’d want to hold up…lol. Anything goes in the name of fashion.

  2. This girl has everything going for her…the sweetest face, hot bod, talent and success. I wish she doesn’t ruin all that with such funny outfit choices.

  3. I totally give points to designer for going out of the box if you remove that suspender part of it , it is stunning outfit she looks absolutely fab liked it


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