Well Suited

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Looking impeccable even with a 5 ‘o’ clock shadow was Mr. Khanna at the Men’s Health Lounge at Van Heusen India Men’s Week. We *die* (a la Rachel Zoe)!

Rahul Khanna at Men’s Health Lounge at Van Heusen India Men’s Week

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. DROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. Hang on…need to go get some paper towels! 😉
    Seriously, shouldn’t it be like…illegal or something to look THIS good?!?!

  2. ok seriously, this is just wow. not only is he oh-so hot, but the suit is kinda sexy. can you please id it? drool, oh wow!
    btw what was ala rachel zoe?

  3. *Droooooooooool* I don’t even care that I’m drooling over Rahul Khanna in front of my boyfriend right now! Damn! That is one fine man. He should get more lead roles! Us girls will go to the movies just to see him! 😀
    Btw, that zipper on his suit is a little weird. Ah, well! Still Hawt! So who cares, right? 😛 x

  4. Wow, can this man ever look bad? Never, not even in a zippered suit. Though, to be fair, the suit is well made and I have major weakness for tweed. He always looks so effortless and put together in a (very handsome) “man next door” way. None of the bling, velvet, fake tan, hair gel, bulging muscles that a lot of men in Bollywood seem to be sporting these days.

    • Im confused whats wrong with brown shoes?? lots of men wear brown shoes, and his go well with the light colour suit. I think he looks great as always, never seen him with a girlfriend?? ummmm


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