In Zuhair Murad
Priyanka was one of the celebrity guests at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner on Saturday evening where she was seen in a black Zuhair Murad gown.
While there is no denying that she wore the frilly gown well, I did feel a bit underwhelmed by choice of gown. I think an event like this called for a more elegant look and the gown and that hair don’t quite portray that.
Just me feeling that way?
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Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani
Now that I’ve seen how other celebrities were dressed for the occassion, I feel the event called for something more modest and elegant! Even the hair and make-up seems very casual and laid back. This look could have worked for a maybe a music awards ceremony, or just something trendier. A bit disappointed with the dress and styling here.
Not to sound too harsh because I like PC a lot, but it also seems like she is going for certain type of outfits lately, and even if she does have a great body, I think it’s getting predictable!
Agree. This is not event appropriate. I got nothing against showing cleavage but this was not one of the best events to display it. She could have opted for an elegant Bibhu Mohapatra outfit instead.
How tiny is her waist!! That aside i saw a few pics from the event and most of the attendees were elegantly dressed. Hate to say this but she looked trashy wearing that to meet the Obamas. Like someone said above that was not an event to wear to display cleavage.
A trashy dress that looked even trashier while she stood next to the First Lady who wore a stunning outfit for the night. The hair looks greasy, unkempt. Not a look worthy of a WHCD at all.
Exactly. Priyanka was a tackfest at the WHCD. She is the worst dresser. Adriana Lima and Kendal Jenner sizzled and looked stunning at the event. Especially Adriana Lima. <3<3<3
+1 Yes, both Lima and Jenner looked great!
+1. expected something from elegant for this event.
+1 Her signature style is tacky.
Trashy is the right word, I was quite shocked at how inappropriate this looked in for a dinner with the Obamas. Its something Mallika Sherawat would have sported about 5 years back.
Very tacky and tasteless, this is one invitee who wouldnt get a repeat invite with the next POTUS for sure.
Gosh, I just checked out Ms Sherawat on HHC from 5 years back at the white house dinner (someone posted a link on this forum), and she looks very very classy and event appropriate. So I take back my words on the Mallika comment. Now if PC would have taken a note from this appearance of Mallika….sigh….
Not event appropriate. Even if you excuse the gown, the hair is quite awful and the make up is not upto the mark either. I think this was a great opportunity missed!
The gown was ok but the hair was shocking! So bad! How is the greasy-limp-haired-look acceptable at such an event?! Not a very PC choice! hah
Was she on her way to the billboard music awards this weekend and then got invited to meet the leader of the free world and his gorgeous First Lady- and didn’t have time to change?!? Why else would one ever wear this completely inappropriate outfit to the WHITE HOUSE!!!?
Sorry for the rant. This was such an epic disappointment!! Is there a dearth of talented indian designers she could’ve very appropriately represented as an indian to the White House?!? –
Ps: I’m indian American-and it makes me so proud to see an indian invited and representing us! Woot woot!
Yep, just you.
Clearly not….
I cannot remember the last time I saw her look classy. What a tackfest.
…but her makeup is so good! I wish someone would ID every lipstick she’s ever worn!
The gown and hair look equally limp. A perfect match!!!
I can’t believe she wore this for dinner at White House. Why so revealing? She could be elegant like other people who went. This is looking desperate for attention not classy
Agree with you PnP..
Wish she had chosen a more elegant, event appropriate outfit..
Totally agree…I am anything but a prude but there is a thing called event appropriateness
Dunno what the stylist n PC were thinking… but this look screams out wannabe and attention seeking..
Mallika sherawat was more event appropriately dressed when she attended the same event a few years back
I like the top half but the skirt portion of the gown looks flimsy. Dunno why does she have a fascination for such gowns. They end up looking limp; a little bit of flare would do her good.
PC makes Zuhair Murad look tacky
There’s no doubt she’s sexy and has a killer bod. That said it’s important to dress for your day…and meeting the First Couple requires something elegant and refined. It’s a dinner at the WHITE HOUSE and not a trip to Cavali Club!!
I think she looked nice like really nice but just not event appropriate.
I expect her to be wearing something like More elegant .. Softer toned color
She thought there’ll be a garba night sequence after the dinner, so this!
i love her !! but this is not what you wear to see Obamas….a thing or two needs to be learnt from Ms Middleton on how to be classy!!
I was so looking forward to this event…she was a big disappointment…of all the occasions you end up wearing this!!!..seriously…so wannabe..when she doesn’t need to…that cleavage show is not going to take you anywhere sister!
This is total tackfest! Hate the gown itself. Cleavage show is too in the face and those frills and those sheer parts here and there(whatever those are) are ugly. This is a wasted opportunity and a forgetful appearence.
This is really a wanna be…
Again. Educated and constructive criticism is based in reasoning and explanation. You’ve already built an empire on how you ‘feel’ about a look. Now your readers deserve better, more informed and informative reasoning.
Ps- Priyanka looked amazing.
How tacky does she look , there’s a time and place for such a booby displaying dress and this wasn’t one of them. She’s beginning to look a bit desperate in her bid to crack the u.s.
It is a baffling choice, something more understated would have helped.
Really event inappropriate. Like some one said earlier, Mallika Sherawat was dressed way better when she went to the White House corresspondents dinner 5 years ago.
people are JEALOUS…. dont give a damn PC..i’m so very proud of you!!
You people are JEALOUS…. dont give a damn PC..i’m so very proud of you!!
An amazing oppurtunity wasted… she has done alot better.
I think everyone is judging her solely on the dress without seeing the whole picture. Young/upcoming actors don’t get invites to white house on their mettle but are handed invites by the studios that want to promote them. Given that pc is playing a villain in Baywatch, it’s obvious the studio would want her to be Bam! Sexy as hell. That explains the dress.
The reason the look fails for me is the limp hair.
What is with PC and her stylist(s) nowadays!!? She is choosing cleavage-revealing outfits to almost every event she has attended these past few days! This is one event where it was ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY even mandatory to wear a classy and elegant outfit cos she is meeting the ,lets face it, most important people of the World! She could’ve chosen a basic and simple gown even if it was uninspired or better yet a sari to the event, instead of such a tacky gown! We are mighty proud of you Priyanka, but bear in mind that you are actually representing India in a public platform and need to be ever more careful in your presentation and attitude now! Heavily disappointed and disgusted with this !
She is making us all proud regardless of the choice of clothes. No need to be “disgusted”. its not her best look but she made it there and that’s pretty awesome, no? And confidence gets full points 🙂
I don’t know about ‘us all’ – I am embarrassed and disgusted.
Making us all proud? Of what? Appearing in a TV drama and in baywatch? Speak for yourself, I’m afraid there are other things Indians are doing on an international platform that merit ‘being proud’
Wow lady u do sound frustrated. Lol..chill am.not sure with what right of entitlement do u speak the crap you’ve just spoken? Her choice of dress maybe good or bad but to try and pin so much disgust and hatred on her because she didn’t live up to your hypocritical ideals shows how low your mentality is. Do us all a favor and wash your mouth …and then just for a moment think of her as your daughter mother sister friend. Damn i would be proud of her even if she waltzed naked into the White House. Clothes don’t maketh a woman. Strength confidence and generosity do…none of which reflect in your comment. Sad.
Erm, I may not consider PC as my daughter/mother/sister/friend but I do consider her as my idol for what she has achieved and this is precisely why I am let down by her choice of clothes recently because I know and am appreciative of her ability to turn up well for such a big event!
Also, I am still searching for swear words and opposing opinions in my post for you to ask me to ‘wash my mouth’or think of me as having ‘hypocritical ideals’ !!
‘Clothes don’t maketh a woman’ – then why even visit a fashion blog where we actually dissect a celebrity’s OOTD and give our opinions? And you call me as one having ‘hypocritical ideals’, honey let me introduce you to an object called ‘THE MIRROR’ !
If my mother/sister/daughter/friend were invited to the White House, I surely would give them my honest , best feedback that I can give. In this case, it happens to be a thumbs down!
This is a fashion blog where we do critique clothes and appearances.
You are in the wrong forum if you are here to just look for strength, confidence and generosity!
Of course Sylviana I totally second what you said. It is a fashion blog and we are bound to have opinions and we are here for just some fun. Ms.Krusader you might be a PC fan or anything, but you don’t have to call anyone else out there as ‘hypocrite’ or blame anyone for foul mouthing. And she didn’t even say anything derogatory to offend anyone.or to warrant such a kinda tirade u took out against her.
As far back as these pages go…I think PC never has been a good dresser. In her earlier days it was always predictable mini bodycon dresses..n all about flaunting her body. That trend hasnt changed much for PC. I dont understand why people have so much expectation from her. I give this much credit to her that she is one fine actress…but not a fashionista. So am thinking she was still in ‘Bay Watch’ mode when she rocked up at the White House.
I totally agree with your comment fine actress but not a fashionista. She has never had a sense of style. I think she should have worn something conservative for this event.
She played the unconventional instead of the expected. She looks amazing…hair and all!
all the money and access in the world, and she turns up in this?? but then she was all about this kind of dressing, always. not seen her sport anything event appropriate ever. even for the national
awards in India, she turned up in a tacky saree and blouse. before the you guys are jealous army pounces on me even the true blue hollywooders dont show up like this. this is one desparate wannabe.
She looks nice sans that hair. Why that oily limp hair? :O I DO want to see what Sonam Kapoor will wear if she is ever invited to a WHCD. LOL!
Lol that would be interesting.. 😛
Now this is an event where she could have used an Indian designer. And better yet a sari. Not only is this dress event inappropriate but also supremely tacky and does nothing for her or her image. Even if she was going for the sexy baywatch villain as someone mentioned above, there are ways of doing sexy without revealing this much skin and wearing such a tacky gown. Great opportunity missed here by PC.
Totally agree with the unanimous comments! This would be perfect for an elegant Indian wear – may be a nice sari?
Not classy! I looked at her pic in the papers today… terrible! To be compared to Mallika Sherawat and not in a good way, is a new low for PC. Tacky…tacky…tacky!
I just do not understand how she does not see how tacky she looks. I really hope she is reading and stops making constant tacky faux pas.
I think she looks beautiful but I feel like this dress was a bit too revealing for the event.
I think she looks stunning but don’t like the hair.
A great outfit…for some other event. Would Priyanka have worn this at an event hosted by PM Modi? I bet not! So disrespectful.
Why not a saree PC! One of the most elegant dress in the world is from India-thr humble saree! She would have looked great in a beautiful pale champagne colored one.
I am quite shocked to see these many negative comments here :O There are other celebs who wore much more revealing outfits than PC for the event. In my view she is elegantly hot in this gown. And she is listed in almost all the ‘best dressed’ lists for the event, here in USA. So, chill ladies, she still represented India in a very good way 😉
Probably not the best choice for such an event, but does look pretty hot.
Priyanka looks super stunning! Many other people were wearing low neck dresses too so I don’t think it’s that big of a deal. I actually like the hair. Love the makeup… her skin tone is gorgeous.
Agree – makeup was perfect, even hair looked great, but not with the outfit. Besides the plunging neckline , the fall of the gown beneath the waist was so flat. The model had a beautiful fall, but PC’s fell flat and had no effect. Something elegant would’ve ben nicer.
Goodness!! Whoever was her stylist for this one made an oversight!! It was a mockery to meet the President in this outfit.. Two thumbs down
I do feel this dress was inappropriate for the occasion but she looks amazing in it. And I don’t want her to dress in sari- there are other ways to represent India other then wearing a sari! She’s doing just fine- an Indian actress in a leading american tv show is plenty.
Wearing a sari is a sure shot way to get stereotyped, perhaps one of the mistakes that Aishwarya Rai made, tried to milk the “India” brand too much.
PC needs to hire a new stylist!
Its time for her to get out of her Zuhair Murad love…its getting repetitive. Hugely dissapointed with this choice and the whole styling. Appropriate for a Music awards maybe, but a meeting with the President of USA called for a more classy and elegant do. Bad choice Priyanka!