Not Quite

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At a recent premiere both ladies qualified for a ‘Not Quite’… With Sushma’s bangs and the lil’ girl ‘frock’ and Payal’s clutch and shoes, how could they have not?


Left: Sushma Reddy
Right: Payal Rohatgi

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. ACTUALLY, i think sushma looks quite nice. just wish her dress had been another color…teal may b. payal rohtagi is quite WTHEYY for me with that mask-like foundation, odd fitting dress, and horrible clutch. nice hair but she needs to color the roots!

  2. lol Shuchi.
    i think sushma looks quite nice…what a pretty smile. i dont like the filly hemline of her dres…but otherwise it’s okay…maybe in a different colour, as priya said.

  3. Sush is the eldest of all 3 ever Reddy sisters but dresses like she is a babe in the woods.
    Poor Payal needs to be sent permanently in exile to the woods!

  4. Hey Payal/ Priyanka, I really need some help. I am wearing a dress similar to Payal’s on my FIRST DATE. 😀 It has a bit of a yellow design. I am wearing it with yellow peep toes but i am really confused about what clutch/bag to carry. I know that a yellow clutch will be too much of a matchy affair and i have clutches of basic colors i.e. black and white. What should i carry??? I have a black tote and a brown tote as well… Please Please answer this one!

  5. Have all the Reddy sisters decided to get bangs cut? I don’t like it, doesn’t suit her (small) face.
    Payal looks like she’s stepped right out of a horror movie!

  6. Eww…whats wrong with Payal’s face !!!! Looks like she applied some whitening pearl powder masque and forgot to take it off before she stepped out….

  7. both colours on both ladies wash them out – either the girls needed to use some fake tan/bronzer or the colours of the dresses needed to be more flattering – Payal is obviously wearing foundation lighter than the rest of her skin – the other lady just looks washed out!

  8. I hate sushma’s baby doll dress and her hair looks pathetic..
    payal @ she needs some makeup tips unless she dressed for a Halloween party.. 😉


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