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As compared to the last time… the hair went straighter, the hem line longer and Nina still stayed fabulous! The woman event after event comes out looking so put together! We like.


Nina Manuel At Samsaara

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. Ewwww No!!!! Her dress is very mediocre… those shoes are ghastly.. and she’s desperately in need of a face wash for oily skin and a toner. Looking well put together? I think not.

  2. what a beautiful dress!
    looks amazing against her skintone

    and i love the fact that she hasn’t accessorized apart from the cute shoes and watch

    so elegant!!

  3. I don’t think its lace, it looks more like satin/silk with floral print.

    Being someone who loves net and simple floral print, I love this dress.

    This woman is a perfect example of a supermodel, always dresses like one, unlike deepika.

    But i’m not liking shinny face look.

  4. Whew! After reading the comments above I’m glad I was not the only one that raised an eyebrow at Nina being well put together. The girl looks tired in this pic… or maybe its the lack of eyeliner.

    I think her dress is so-so and so are her shoes! A little bit more jewelery might have added the much needed spark for this ensemble.


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