Black Mamba

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It started with one very famous black outfit and hasn’t stopped since. 😛 Come on Ms. Sherawat, why won’t you give us some color? Why?


Far Left: at ‘Bright Star’ LA Premiere
Left: at SwaggMedia’s Persona Magazine Launch Party
Right: at BCBGMaxAzria show at New York Fashion Week
Far Right: at Los Angeles City Hall

Photo Credit: WireImage

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  1. I guess this is better than what she normally wears , so we need give her some props for trying to be decent. i hear she is the new face of Max Azria (go figure….)

  2. EEEEEEEEEEEE!! But I LOOOVE the newest dress on her 🙂 At least she’s getting better , I would make all of that hair one color though (black would be best for her skin). Look at what those shoes do to her feet and legs, it makes all the difference. My favorite is still the runway show though- it was pefect up to the ankles. The hair’s a mess in everything else.

  3. I don’t like the hair’s like she’s channeling a shorter version of the hairdo most of the real housewives of orange county sport..blah!


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