Not Quite

Comment image 38

Let’s get the things we like out of the way first… love the minimal accessories, soft make-up and the color (white) against Ms. Sherawat’s skin-tone. Really do. The part that we don’t? That’d have to be the pinstripes on the gown making it look like a very, very low thread count linen set in a motel.

(Look inside for more pics.)


Mallika Sherawat At AFI Film Festival 2009


Mallika Sherawat

Photo Credit: Wireimage

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  1. At first I thought those lines were just the draping of the fabric, and thought it was really pretty. But it’s a pattern on the fabric?! Ick.

  2. I can see what u are complaning abt…I don’t mind the pin stripes…just can’t picture the gown in plain white.. I think she is looking smashing

  3. I think I know why Mallika rocks most looks…coz despite the fact that she isnt ‘bollywood’ pretty..she is tall..has a great body and seriously high confidence level…ooozes attitude…Im with you on the texture being ‘excuse me..what now?’ …but she still works it out man!

  4. is it okay to wear a watch with a fancy gown? i’m just wondering.

    at first i thought it was a bracelet but the up close pics show that it is a watch. even if the watch is expensive which it probably is…are there any rules on that?

  5. more than the pinstripes, what’s troubling me is the fit at the bust area… its just so weird??!

    if only the fit was good, i’d love it with take it with the stripes.. she’s such a charmer, no?

  6. why are her boobie always want to break free/ peep out ….

    I for one love cleavage if its done tastefully , and I agree ms sherawat has ample assets , but they are peeping out of each and every outfit she wears, and sometimes it looks forced …sexuality is all about subtle hints and not on your face skin thoughts anyways !!

  7. she looks stunning!! don’t know why people just cant say anything positive without saying a negative point.don’t know whats the fuss about the pinstripes.It makes it more interesting.
    I think some ppl are being unnecessarily critical!!

  8. The dress is nice … esp with the pin stripes… Plain white would be Boring …

    That said … the fit around the bust area is weird and ruins her look for me .

  9. It’s just a little bit of cleaveage: and don’t forget she’s in hollywood not bollywood, every second woman right from the likes of Pamela Anderson to the likes of Victoria Beckham has silicone implants and they’ve all worn plenty of outfits that show way more cleveage. She probably looks quite natural out there, it’s your standards that are too conservative.

    I mean obviously it’s not very demure, but she’s Mallika Sherawat the sex symbol NOT the queen of England. I think she’s just working what she’s got and it’s very appropriate given the place and the person.

    What’s REALLY tacky is the way some commentors out here have talked about it, a little bit of class people, a little bit of class. Please?!

    About the outfit: agree with PnP’s comments absolutely

    • @ Belle – with all due respect to your opinion, what most commentors (including myself) object to in this case is the seemingly “forced” display of cleavage.. i can recall various other actresses from Bollywood wearing deep/low necklines while in India (twinkle, lara etc), but there was no widespread criticism as the cleavage show was much more classy…

      The question is not whether she can/should display her cleavage.. its whether it looks aesthetically acceptable/pleasing (which she is not), and also whether by making an effort to moderately coverup she would have appeared more appealing ..

      Just my 2 cents

      • That is what I’m talking about: in India nautral (or atleast seemingly natural) is the way to go.
        But in Hollywood, tons of celebs have obvious breast implants which they flaunt and it’s considered sexy.
        Which is why Twinkle and Lara, who look natural have been approved by commentors on here.
        I think it’s just a cultural difference and she was
        geographically appropriate.

        I agree, everyone’s entitled to their own opinion. I still wish people on here would keep it a little more classy though. (I’m not talking about you, so no offense)

  10. It looks like she just HAD to drag her dress down by a few inches to facilitate the boob show.. makes me want to hitch up her dress.. then she would truly rock!

  11. I think she looks great.. the boob is a bit distracting in the 1st and 2nd photo and I have noticed this before — the camera hardly ever catches with her mouth shut.

  12. Can I firstly say I have no issue with the baring of flesh – but trashy is just plain trashy regardless of where in the world you happen to be, there is nothing “modern” about putting all your wares on show – doesn’t matter if yr Malaika from bollyood or Pam Anderson from hollyood -dressing trashy is not chic or forward thinking.

    The dress is fine – but her left boob seems to be desperate to escape and one has to wonder given Ms Sherawats reputation to make headlines with her outfits whether that was deliberate or not.

  13. Whatever happened to the comments i posted before…
    Anyhow, i like how she looks and i actually like the pin stripe. It adds a little dimension to a plain boring white fabric.
    About the cleavage, I just feel it looks a little out of place for that style of neck. She could have avoided that.
    Maybe with such good looking ones, its just difficult not the flaunt.


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