In All Saints

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Wearing an All Saints dress, Lisa attended a launch bash. We think she looked good but pulled back hair would’ve played up the neck detail a lot more. You like?

Left/Center: Lisa Haydon at Arctic Vodka Launch
Right: All Saints Ayame Dress

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. I wish the shoes were nice. The heel is not the right height and the texture of the shoes clash against the whole concept and image of this dress, according to me. I wish she’d gone with their suede heels or other shoes by All Saints. They have a brilliant collection of shoes! Don’t you think P&P?

  2. Lisa gives me a complex with those never-ending legs 🙁
    But seriously, I don’t think that tight dresses cinched-in at the waist suit her body type- mainly since she has a modelesque figure and no real waist to speak off. Still, she always looks nice.

  3. The thing I dont like her are the shoes. Kitty heels and matronly pumps. dayumm girl, gimme some sky-high loubs. And I am a bit bored with the “pulled back hair” obsession. Dunno about you girls, I wear my hair to suit my face, not my outfit.

  4. i think her hairstyle is great as is… softens the entire hard core look.. had she pulled back in a tight pony then it would have leaned towards v s&m look!

  5. hey….i really like this dress and i am looking forward to buy one….i visited the site through the given link…..and found out they dont deliver here in India…..Is there a way I can get it?? Please HELP


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