Wearing a Zara sequin dress, Kriti attended the Grazia Millenial Awards on Wednesday evening. I thought she looked great except for the excess highlighter on the cheeks.
This dress is a ditto knockoff from Retrofete, a newish designer on the block and its sad that the stylist couldn’t source the actual dress and gave into a copy.
I think she looks good. Agree the highlighter is a bit much but the dress looks great on her.
She looks lovely, I prefer this to the so called designer numbers worn to that event!!
Oh God! What’s with that ponytail??? Second pic. Did people miss it?
A Dothraki Horsetail!!!!
o gosh does she have like 3 pony tails??
Feels like this was the Indian MET Gala or something…I like Kriti’s style though.
I love this dress, so young and spunky…Makeup is a downer.
This dress is a ditto knockoff from Retrofete, a newish designer on the block and its sad that the stylist couldn’t source the actual dress and gave into a copy.
yes the retrofit gabrielle robe