In Manish Malhotra

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Another celeb in attendance, another Manish Malhotra outfit.

Janhvi fared better than most others would wearing the lehenga, but the outfit itself, not my jam. I can appreciate the intricate work but the aesthetics just lose me… As a tiny example, that waistband on the lehenga/skirt, why? It takes an already iffy look to another tacky level. But again, it comes down to personal taste and Mr. Malhotra is laughing all the way to the bank, so what do we know!?!

Janhvi Kapoor At Manish Malhotra Couture Show 2018

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. My heart goes out to her…Those boob patches are ridiculously tacky and she looks mighty uncomfortable. Both Janhvi and Sara got the worst of MM outfits. This man should just retire.

    • The irony!!! Two products of nepotism (Janhvi and Sara), “supposedly” brought down by another product of nepotism (MM). My feeling is they all deserve each other and revel in their collective mediocrity and lack of talent. But not comeuppance enough for us having to tolerate these talentless people being shoved down the throat 24/7.

  2. It’s like a bird flew straight at her and smacked against her chest withs its wings open. I can’t even begin on the level of tackiness this outfit brings.

  3. jeez. I was thinking this had to be an evening for the tackiest, tawdriest, most awful outfits ever — and that was before I saw this.
    WHAT is MM making them smoke?

  4. This is designerwear ?!! Gosh, such a tackfest . The skirt looks like some kinda rip-off bought from the roadside vendors ..Yikes. But as Priyanka mentioned , Jahnvi fares better in it than others would have.

  5. Why is her stylist making her all looks soooooo mature !!! Why can’t she just wears something youthful and her age … she looks 30+ here !!!!!

    The bust on the outfits reminds me of mermaid with the shell over the bust cap

  6. Without any prejudice, I can just never understand Manish Malhotra’s popularity. Sometimes I look at these costumes and wonder, do these celebs really like all this personally , or they just go with the flow? I mean its not even flattering most of the time. As an example this particular lehenga bares the girl’s torso in an extremely unflattering way. Its all too much in your face and just not sexy.

    • One word – Nepotism !! When it comes to Bollywood, if around 90% of audience/normal people feel someone’s work is sub-par but still that specific someone is doing so well for themselves then you can be sure that they are connected to the who’s who of the industry. MM is pretty tight with , no prizes for guessing, our very own Karan Johar and his brand of cronies which is why you can see that given any event the whole of Bollywood comes out in MM no matter how atrocious the given outfit is (like poor Ms.Kapoor here). I actually used to like his stuff atleast onscreen (Jab we met, Kabhi alvida na Kehna) but in the recent years his stuff is basically just trash .

  7. She looks so dated. The clothes, hair, makeup nothing works. I don’t think MM is even designing at this point. Just putting up a dozen fashion shows without putting any work into it. He needs to rediscover himself.

  8. Tacky!! Agree with others that Sara and Janhvi got the worst outfits.

    Question – do these actors pay for these “designer” outfits or are they given to them to wear for free? I thought it was free but then you commented on Manish laughing all the way the bank. Just curious.

    • No they get these for free, and they return them to the designer after wearing once. What P&P meant was MM is still encashing and making money on this below average stuff from his customers and clients who buy clothes from him.

  9. There’s something to be said about personal style, which she seems to have none of. I find it hard to believe she has no creative input in what her outfits look like.

  10. Aye hye!

    MM goes from Valentino (Mouni Roy`s outfit) to Sabya to others. God, he needs to take a break and think long and hard about his aesthetic. It is the same man who styled Rangeela and Raja Hindustani. Hard to believe!

  11. I don’t think Sri Devi would have let her worn this monstrosity. Jhanvi’s outfit choices have been poor since Sri’s demise.

    P.s. i like the new notification option!

  12. Its strangely reminiscent of or shall we say inspired from Sabya’s design from 3-4 seasons ago – a burgundy one with similar-ish work. This of course looks a tackier copy that you can find on streets of chandni chowk

  13. trying to be positive but cant get past that horrendous skirt. What might have worked is this. Had he continued it like a gown without baring the waist, with a plain beautiful soft pastel fabric below the waist . And had he embellished with just one thin line at the hem, to give it a complete look. sigh

  14. I feel such pity for the ladies at a MM show.. such tacky horrid ‘designs’
    I dont see how this isnt vulgar. Its 2 patches on boobs… and that’s it. How is that a blouse?
    I can’t believe they actually wear this and leave their house

  15. This outfit takes Indian Fashion to a totally different level of tacky. Even her sweet disposition cannot save this atrocity. And it reminds me of the velvet Sabyas of past couple of years (Arpita wore one of them to her wedding), albeit a pretty tacky copy. The MMs of the present just doesn’t cut it!

  16. Won’t comment on the outfit, but boy am I glad that *you’ve* begun commenting on the outfits again! For the past couple years, your posts have been so bland, what-do-you-think, we’ll-play-it-safe… Good to see some personality and attitude again 🙂


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