It’s Giveaway Time!

Comment image 117

Update: Congratulations Bela, Sneha, Pooja and Monika! You ladies won… Look out for an email from us!

Big thanks to everyone who participated and to ELLE Fashionwear for bringing this Giveaway to our readers.


Another week, another Giveaway! And banishing your weekday blues this time around are the good folks over at ELLE Fashionwear.

Four very lucky readers can win themselves a voucher of Rs.2500 each in two easy steps. Here’s how:

1. Like ELLE Fashionwear on Facebook here.
2. Tell us the price of the jumpsuit, dress and top featured below. (For clues, look here!)

That’s it!

Please note:

1. Contest closes on 23rd June, 2013 and is open only to residents of India.
2. Please refrain from leaving personal information in the comment form. And remember to leave a valid email address in the required field of the comment form.
3. One entry per person only please.
4. All comments will be approved only once the contest closes.

Good luck! And hey, why wait? You can always get shopping right away!

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  1. Prices of
    * Jumpsuit – INR 2800
    * Dress – INR 3200
    * Top – INR 1800

    And of course, hv already liked them on facebook….

  2. From left to right- The Floral Jumpsuit costs Rs.2800/-, The Sleeveless dress costs Rs.3200/-, The Blouse with pleats cost Rs.1800/-.

  3. The prices are as follows:
    1. Jumpsuit: Rs. 2800
    2. Dress: Rs. 3200
    3. Top: Rs. 1800

    The Elle page is liked on Facebook as well 🙂

  4. OMG!! elle!! that’s my all-time fav. brand!! *drolls*
    The prices are:

    And i have liked the page on fb from my account that owns the email id i’ve given here!

  5. Hi!
    The prices are:
    1. Jumpsuit: Rs. 2800
    2. Dress: Rs. 3200
    3. Top: Rs. 1800

    Liked on Facebook.

    Thank You! 🙂

  6. liked the facebook page
    the cost of jumpsuit is 2800 rs
    the cost of sleeveless dress is 3200 rs
    the blouse with pleating detail is for rs 1800

  7. 1) Liked them on FB.
    2) Prices:
    Floral Jumpsuit- Rs. 2800/-
    Sleeveless Dress- Rs. 3200/-
    Blouse with pleating detail- Rs. 1800/-

  8. prices:

    1) Jumpsuit- Rs. 2800
    2) Dress- Rs. 3200
    3) Top- Rs. 1800

    I have liked the page too !! Fingers crossed for this fantabulous giveaway ! 🙂

  9. Floral Jumpsuit – 2800/-
    Sleeveless Dress – 3200/-
    Blouse with Pleating Detail – 1800/-

    Liked the ELLE Fashionwear page on FB as well!

    Really liking the dresses I see on ELLE’s online store! Esp. d florals….perfect for Bangalore’s weather right now! Will get shopping as soon as I win the Giveaway 😉

  10. Really hoping I win this!
    Liked Elle Fashion Wear on Facebook 🙂
    1. Jumpsuit – Rs 2800/-
    2. Dress – Rs 3200/-
    3. White top – Rs 1800/-

  11. Hi
    The colorful and trendy floral Jumpsuit is for Rs 2800
    Yellow Sleevless dress is for Rs 3200
    and the top with pleating detail is for Rs 1800

  12. Hi!
    Please find below my answers to the questions asked.

    I have also liked their Facebook page and just placed an order as well!
    Floral Jumpsuit

    Sleeveless Dress

    Blouse with pleating detail

  13. FB like- done
    Prices are as follows:
    Floral Jumpsuit- Rs. 2800/-
    Sleeveless Dress- Rs. 3200/-
    Blouse with pleating detail- Rs. 1800/-

  14. Price of jumpsuit: 2800 and after discount it is 1772
    Dress:3200 and after discount it is 2026
    Top: 188 and after discount: 1139


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