Monica, who is in NY attending the Indian Film Festival, attended the closing night wearing a Payal Singhal lehenga that we recently saw on Shraddha. While Shraddha kept it simple, Monica added bangles to the look and pulled back her hair into a bun.
Whose look do you prefer?
Left: Monica Dogra at New York Indian Film Festival 2013
Right: Shraddha Kapoor at Aashiqui 2 Promotions Kolkata
They both look good. Shraddha gave a sweet girl-next-door appearance while boho look by Monica because of the bangles.
I think the whole look is missing a dupatta or chunni. Might seem old fashioned, but the look’s incomplete on both.
i agree
First of all the blouse jst doesnt fit right on monica.. on shraddha the lack of dupatta is not as apparent as monica