Hello! India: (Un)Covered

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We are quite used to seeing the ladies on the first two covers in Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla but it was a real pleasure to see Amrita Singh after so long also feature in one of the triple covers along with daughter Sara.

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Photo Credit: Hello! India

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  1. I like the idea behind all of them but they all look a little bit off. Too much photoshop maybe? They look like wax statues of themselves because nobody has a single line on their face. Also, why does Amrita Singh look like she has no teeth?

    Why do magazines turn such beautiful women into mannequins?

  2. How pretty!! Totally picture perfect all of them!! And I’m completely in awe of Amrita’s platform jooti…didn’t know such a thing existed 🙂

  3. those garish shoes on Amrita… almost takes away from the beauty of the relationship the mother-daughter duo create…
    somehow gravitating towards the kapadia-khanna bonding more… they present a graceful gradient of age and styling!

  4. why cannot they leave the wrinkles on the mothers? why do they need to photoshop soooooo much? wrinkles add beauty to age… huh, why is aging so bad………… I know I am ranting!!

    The ladies look lovely, otherwise

  5. Dimple and her daughters look fab. Jaya and Shweta look photoshopped. It is especially nice to see Amrita Singh with her daughter. Nevertheless all the outfits are lovely.

  6. the dresses are beautiful. but everyone is highly photoshoped. only kapadia’s look natural n beautiful.
    amrita singh looks too old unlike herself n both of them look like wax statues

  7. Twinkle shines…and I agree with Sonia…on gorgeous hair…everytime I watch a Dimple K movie, i watch only the hair!!

    Jaya-Shwetha : Jaya looks great, Shwetha too..i somehow liked her in this pic

    Amritha-Sara : Sara looks so so so fresh 🙂 Amritha – great!!

  8. Love the picture of Dimple with her daughters and seeing Amrita Singh after so long is refreshing .

    The only problem with Bachchan’s picture : photoshop much ?

  9. All three covers are gorgeous, the clothes flawless, the photoshop work perfect!! It’s a magazine, if they don’t photoshop a cover, what good is photoshop anyway? of the three images, I love the Bachchans…Shweta looks incredibly beautiful and Jaya so elegant. The Kapadias/Khannas make a lovely lovely pic… Dimple is oh, so, gorgeous!!!! Amrita’s shoes totally ruined that cover for me!

    • Is there some rule that magazine covers have to be photoshopped? When they photoshop women as beautiful as this, it suggests that no woman is good enough to be on the magazine cover…everybody needs photoshop help. Besides, since when did looking like a wax statue without any lines start getting called perfect photoshop work?

  10. errr…why the same chair hello? all three covers are too bleddy similar – granted hello is all about luxe/royalty – there are different ways of doing the same theme, no? Borrrring!!


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