Of Launches

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Farhan and Shibani attended Atlantis The Royal events this past weekend as well and Shibani was seen wearing a Gucci dress to one event and a Oscar Kraye gown to the main event. Loved her in the dress. The gown while dramatic was swallowing her whole. Wasn’t a fan of that pick.

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Farhan Akhtar and Shibani Dandekar

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  1. They both look so clean, Farhan is an eye candy! Shibani looks great in the b/w dress and the black Goan too , idk what’s the black shield for it looks difficult to hold her neck against it. Funny unrequired detailing.

  2. I’m imagining that gown on a Deepika or someone else similarly tall — would’ve been smoking. I wonder if Shibani had to peer over the neckline all evening.
    I’ll pretend I didn’t see Farhan in that brown suit.

  3. She looks phenomenal in both. Clean and chic looks. I wish we could see a little more of her neck in the first pick. However, the styling and choice of outfits are great. I also like that she’s kept her hair a natural black . dark brown. I’m sick of seeing bleached / blonde hair on Indian women. I don’t get why people are being so cruel. Will take this over try-hard, wannabe, artificial Poonawala any day

  4. Don’t get the hate in the comments. The couple is chic in both looks. Farhan certainly nailed it and while the gown looks uncomfortable on Shibani, it’s not necessarily drowning her.

  5. Shibani’s clothes are almost always a disaster and she’s downing in fabric and the excessive (and unnecessary) thick layers of make up.
    If she’d only give herself a chance to go for natural softer make up palettes and (seriously) normal chic clothes it would be a world of difference. What she wears, I just don’t get it, and honestly I don’t think she gets it either. Bah…

  6. She looks great in the dress. The makeup and hair looks clean and chic.

    The gown sizing is wrong, but she still looks great.

    Farhan looks nice in the tux and ridiculous in the linen suit.

  7. People are being so critical of her … I feel she has a style and she is just sticking to it instead of cookie cutter clothing a stylist buys. In fact her fashion is now such a strong element of her appearance, even though both these are relatively “clean” looks, I still feel these are Shivani choices . I do not like her fashion sense though but I think kudos to just holding onto her style and not drowning in the sea of similarly clad men and women.


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