In Jeetly

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Wearing a Jeetly dress, Esha was in attendance at an event celebrating the success of her recent movie. Big hair, red lip, Zariin jewelry and color-blocked Louboutin sandals finished out her look. Like what you see?

Esha Gupta At Humshakals Success Meet-1

Esha Gupta At Humshakals Success Meet

Esha Gupta At Humshakals Success Meet-2

Esha Gupta At Humshakals Success Meet

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. Nope… me not liking… specially that hair… looking tacky.. and yeah… that lip color.. she should go with some lighter shade or nudes…

  2. The dress is bad and the shoes are eveb worse; both of them put together is a complete disaster. She was having a good run but what can you expect when one starts celebrating the so-called “success” of Hanshakals.
    This look could have been pulled off with different make up and hair and ofcourse, different shoes.

  3. The dress and the shoes look really odd, not to mention the hair. Not good. But more importantly, Humshakals is a hit??? Time to give up on Bollywood.

    • +1000…I can’t believe Humshakals is a hit either…The dress is okay but does not go well with the shoes…Esha looks a lot like deepika..

  4. I just can’t get past the hem of that dress – it is hideous.
    Those shoes don’t help the situation either.

  5. She looks nice. Not sure when desis will realize that their original hair and brown skin is good enough and not resort to coloring and white washing their faces.

  6. Err, Humshakals “success party”? Seriously?! A weekend in and they celebrate success these days. We never hear a film completing, ‘golden jubilee’, ‘silver jubilee’ etc these days. Sigh…

    Back to the dress; love it all, especially the shoes! Hair in a high pony would’ve looked better I think!

  7. Errrr… success party? Going by the reviews, if that movie is declared a success or a hit, I will have to give up all hope on humanity!!

  8. that dress with those shoes….indivisually they aren’t bad but together they’re a disaster.As far as her face is concerned,i can’t look past the eyebrows….they look wierd maybe it has been painted a li’l too dark.

  9. So wish she would go easy on the make up. What works for Deepika Padukone works against Esha. Makes her look like she is in drag.


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