In Nicholas

Comment image 23

As the brand ambassador for Tissot, Deepika was invited to Paris to attend the last stage of Tour De France this past Sunday. For the day event, the actor kept it easy-breezy wearing a striped frilly top and matching pants from Nicholas and finishing off the look with a pair of light blue ankle-strap sandals.

What did you think of her day look?


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  1. The outfit is event appropriate, however the creases on the pant are bothering me, also maybe a pop of colour on the lips (Im thinking pink or orange) would have been nice. She looks fab anyways

  2. What was she thinking? Lesson in point to anyone considering Qaidi number 420 type of stripes. They look good on NOONE. Not even Deepika.

  3. I really like the idea of it but the creasing makes the fit at the crotch area jump out and kinda spoils the look 🙁 sunglasses are dapper tho

  4. Me no likey. The proportions on that outfit are atrocious. The peplum is sooo unflattering, and those pants are extremely ill fitted, especially in the crotch area. This is an absolute dud of an outfit. Doesn’t work on any level.

  5. I feel she’s been sassing the fashion commentators lately.
    All I’ve found her wearing lately are PJ’s – this one she didn’t even bother ironing! 😛

    I’m all for that gorgeous face on these pages, but fashion this is not.

  6. Surprised she chose to wear a fabric that would crease easily. Had to do a double take on that first picture – I thought she was preggers!


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