In Monisha Jaising

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Deepika walked the red carpet at the MTV Europe Music Awards wearing a custom Monisha Jaising that featured an edgy bustier and an olive green silk skirt. Valliyan fringe earrings, a Balmain belt and Misho rings finished out her look. On the red carpet, Deepika posed a few times without the matching embellished bomber jacket and I much preferred her in those. The look was more balanced minus it.

Given that it was a music related event, am glad she picked for an edgier look vs a classic one. She looked phenomenal.



Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. She looks terrific and event appropriate. Minor gripe is the anjelina like leg pose and the blingy jacket. Deepika has the attitude, face and body to rock any international red carpet.

  2. I am sorry but you are all clearly biased towards Deepika. The heavy tassel earrings, heavy skirt and top and makeup which basically highlights her under eyes is what you call phenomenal? Had they been someone else you, you would so easily call them out. Please be critical

    • Agreed! The outfit is a little over the top heavy for the event too. Only thing that’s good is her body but the styling is nothing to write home about!

    • Why is it that someone’s personal taste makes others so livid? Fashion is as personal as art, it’s like blaming someone for liking Van Gogh more than Picasso. Plus, Deepika is one of the rare few with the X factor. She has the aura of a quiet power, and it exudes in photos. I’m no fan, but i can see why even the most horrendous ensemble would look fine on her. Give the negative jabs a rest y’al.

  3. It was a horrible look for Deepika. She is so beautiful and has such a nice figure but this look did nothing for her. While most international websites will put her on the worst dressed list, only Indian fashion critics will suck up to her and her stylist and say good things. I agree that she looked edgy and the event deserved an edgy look but everything above the skirt was horrible. Belt and earrings were unnecessary and the bralet looked like it was meant for someone bigger chested. After seeing her like this, I really hope she goes the route of Priyanka and picks an international stylist to do her XXX promotions.

  4. This is so not her style and is very trying too hard. This may have been fitting for an indian award show but for ema’s she could’ve gone for a more chilled and modern look. International websites will indeed put her in the worst dressed lists or even ignore her because there’s nothing worthy in this outfit. And no, MTV EMA list of best dressed doesn’t count as they are the event itself

  5. I like the bustier and the belt, but that’s about it. The skirt makes this far more formal than it should have been – had she paired the bustier with some great trousers or jeans, this look would have been so much better and appropriate for MTV. Plus those earrings – ugh. Also wish the hair was edgier or at least more relaxed, and the makeup only emphasises (or creates?!) bags under her eyes. As a whole, I would say this look missed the mark. Such a shame.

  6. Too much going on, the barlet design looks like it was made for a few sizes bigger wearer, the belt is taking away her waist, the Angelina pose an over kill.

    Deepika is a stunning women who is can do sensual and feminine in equal doses but I don’t think she has the red carpet attitude to do edgy. This look is a fail

  7. Deepika looks terrible! So over accessorized… Like big earrings, jewelry, belt AND jacket? Trying way too hard and failing! International media has put Deepika on worst dressed lists but High Heels Confessional seems to be very biased towards her. This isn’t a phenomenal look. Any actress other than Deepika would get flack by HHC for this look.

    • Totally agree! The bralet is so unflattering on her and the leg pose too dated. I prefer with the jacket because it balances the top but the earrings are overkill. Nothing international about this look

  8. This look made to the best dressed list on Harper’s bazaar and worst dressed list in Daily mail. Go figure.
    I like this look. Yes, doesn’t do much to show her figure, but does every look have to? This seems dramatic enough for this show

    • That’s something i noticed on instagram. Everybody is mentioning about the worst dressed list but nobody talked about her inclusion in the best dressed list. I was on the fence about this look but after looking at the pictures from the event i can safely say that she looked liked a million bucks. There are some pictures of deepika presenting the award with nina dobrev and they both looked pretty as a peach! My only major gripe were those ugly ass earrings.

  9. The make up and the thankfully the hair look great.
    Neck down though it goes from bad to worse . Those ear rings and belt is a throwback to decades ago with an ugly bunny rabbit bustier . I like the skirt but the leg out just kills it.
    They clearly are too conscious of the evebt and the need to be edgy and instead looked like a hot mess

  10. The whole look is so busy and the earrings are so distracting. The colour also does nothing for her. I’d call this a big miss, not phenomenal! She needs a new stylist.

  11. Her face is lovely. But like most others have mentioned that bralet is for someone bigger chested and looks awkward due to the fit. The earrings are an eyesore. And its quite funny that for celebrities like Deepika any mean comments would not be called out by the hypocritical comment police who will start piling up if its on their favorites. Lol.

  12. Overwhelmed!! The skirt is quite busy and those shimmery blouse & jacket. The earrings were not necessary. It added nothing to look, infact it made look worst!! Make-up & hair-style are on-point! Ms. Padukone can do much better than this!! wheeeyy!!

  13. Her makeup was fab, but I’m sorry, the outfit just looks too flashy to me. I think she looks better in more solid, elegant gowns over bling bling in your face outfits. But, it was event appropriate, so I’ll giver her that.

  14. Why do I always feel like she never contributes anything to a look??? She looks like a paper doll who was dressed by a toddler in all possible tacky paper cutouts

  15. You know the dress is no way even near phenomenal when it makes Deepika Padukone look broad. It makes her look big when in reality she has a figure to die for. Seriously, I usually agree to what this site writes but couldn’t agree on this no matter what. The whole skirt, top and belt make her look disproportionate. Big nay on this one.

  16. Shaleena also styled her in a different outfit at the after party of the same event and she made Deepika’s chest area look really wierd in that outfit. It’s a white dress, black boots and similar belt as this outfit

  17. Her aim was to get noticed. International media is divided. Some put her on their best dressed list and some on the worst dressed list. And even on the worst dressed list the daily mail didnt stop from mentioning how ‘stunning’ she is and about her ‘sensatIonal figure’. Do you think she couldn’t have done a simple clean monochromatic column dress and looked sweet? Her team went for it. Either hit or miss no in between bland mehness. I applaud. For her first major international appearance as an international star she looks fantastic. Yes it is a bit loud and busy. But the mossy green looks fantastic on her olive skin. And her hair and makeup is great, really highlights her stunning face. This kind of bustier is supposed to fit this way and give an edgy futuristic vibe. Love that cape. Glamazon! ! !

  18. I am very torn about this look. She looks good – but its hard for her not to. The outfit is a bit loud and has too many elements. And that belt definitely is an eyesore.

  19. If a dress makes Deepika look broad and stocky, that is a supremely ill-fitting dress. And too many accessories + leg does not equal edgy, it just looks loud and busy!

  20. + 1000. No half measures about this look. I don’t think it’s as gimmicky as Aishwarya’s purple lipstick but isn’t safe either; so you are either going to love it or hate it. For me, DP looks like the STUNNING woman she is and I would definitely notice her amongst the sea of celebrities!

  21. I would have been on board if this was the bustier with some slick pants and those earrings. Everything together, is just too much. The hair is not helping either!

  22. I don’t like the outfit, but she looks good in it. The leg show is a good thing…cost they are pretty sexy. Love the hair and make-up and can’t get enough of that dimple when she smiles.

  23. Frankly, the problem is there’s just wayyy too much going on. Lets take those tacky earrings off to start off with. I’ll give it to her for taking the risk…

  24. On someone else this could have been way worse and i agree it would’ve have been panned by p&p. The outfit looks look the stylist just through on a bunch of things to make it look edgy but ends up looking tacky and dated. Especially the belt, it doesn’t even look like it’s on the skirt. It’s just there to cover the gap between the waistband and top. Throw on a fitted jacket and without the leg pose that skirt is mother of the bride. The top looks like a child’s arts and crafts project.

  25. Gosh she is smoking Hot.

    I would have preferred if the top was a little more and no jacket and slit ended not so high up, but minor grip aside, she looks aptly dressed for a music award.

    And she is exuding sooo much power. >Go girl.

    The olive green is a tricky color and she carries it amazingly well.

  26. Music event and getting edgy is okay but what happened to looking good? In order to get noticed you go the’ hell let’s get on board with a whole lot crazy outfit and accessories’!
    I loved her recent appearances but this one is a miss. Maybe coz I had huge expectations from her.. The belt is an eye sore and those earrings are laughable… But she waers the jacket with aplomb.. Tw fault is with that I’ll fitted edgy they say bustier..
    What the hey. Yes.


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