Two Much Of A Good Thing!

Comment image 31

With so many options out there, she had to pick the same one in pink? Tsk Tsk.

celina-chanel-black.jpg celina-pink.jpg

Left: At Tusshar Kapoor’s Birthday Bash
Right: Launch of ‘MyCelinaJaitley’ website

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. im actually quite liking her make-up here..and the fact that her lenses are not SO obvious..clearly she doesnt read the comments on this page or she wouldnt have gone cloooose to that pink confection 😛
    shoes are really bad..all in all, not working!

  2. bag is tacky. the pink one looks like a chinese import.
    this woman is very pretty…but i have a feeling that she either doesnt know it yet…or knows it all too well.

  3. hmmm…mayb she is in love wid it!!!
    bt she sure does look hot widout dat pink bag of hers..
    P.S…try as hard as i may, i cn nvr realy like dose shoes..they look toooooooooo witch-like for my taste..

  4. all I see in the pic with pink hideous bag is NO CONTACT LENSES, this is the second time a bollywood star read my post here and act upon it lol, very refershing to NOT see those grey scary contacts and see her actual beatuiful dark brown eyes, doesn’s she looks more healthy and NORMAL without them

  5. i love the avon lady comment

    but seriously as much as i love pink that bag was not meant to be carried in pink (i’m doubting its genuineness too)

  6. she looks sooo more natural and beautiful with her natural eyes…seriously these ladies need to stop with those ‘oh so obvious’ contact lenses they look soooo fake!

  7. the list of actresses in desperate need of a stylist keeps growing. Jiah, Amisha, Celina…. They spend all this money and end up looking so tacky. pink belt, pink bag and pink shoes!!! what was she thinking.

  8. jazz,
    No, my tsk tsk means ‘I can’t believe with that with means to buy two Chanels, someone goes and buys the same exact design in another color, not even a change of material!’.

    Now I am going ‘aargh aargh’. 😉

  9. she is doing a NICOLE – Nicole Kidman was famous for walking into a store and buying all the shoes by Tods in different colours and same pattern….well if you like something that much I guess it kinda makes sense?

  10. I cant stand these chanel totes…the only Chanel a woman needs in her closet is a classic black 2.55 in caviar or lambskin. 😉
    Hopefully one day will get my hands on one !


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