In Archana Kochar

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At a press meet in Dubai, we were pleasantly shocked to see Celina looking quite cute in an Archana Kochar dress. Yep, you read that right, it is an Archana Kochar. ‘Pdaervo’ lets us know that the dress is a Forever 21 and now the world is back in order. Thank heavens, she passed on those extra pointy silver pumps.

As for whether the good streak continued on the ramp (she walked for Archana at the Dubai Fashion Fiesta), you’ll have to look inside.


Left: Celina Jaitley and Archana Kochar at Press Meet
Right: Forever 21 Cherry Blossom Dress

Of course, it didn’t and why are we not surprised at all? 😛

P.S. Doesn’t Celina look like she is a walking ad for a mattress-company. That is one uglayyy gown.


Celina Jaitley with Archana Kochar at Dubai Fashion Fiesta

Photo Credit: Masala

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  1. at 1st, i was like what are u talking about (for the bottom gown)…then i saw the bottom of it and i couldn’t stop laughing. Dude, it looks like a extra comfy/plush comforter! Nice color for my room :p
    Makes me wanna take a nap

    • comforter .. yes that is what i thought too and then read ur comment. She looks pretty in the 1st pic though, much nicer compared to what she has been wearing.

  2. She looks really fresh & pretty in the white dress….The second gown is cringe worthy…then again what do u expect from Archana Kochchar?

  3. hahahah mattress .. ur too funny payal!!

    but im always amazed at Archana’s creativity.. i think she looks at the weirdest of things to draw inspiration.

  4. Oh my . . . luxury gown with comfortable bedlinen . . . lol . . . eheheheh . . . look at thoze buttoned jewelled detailz , i have similar onez on ma blanket . . . lol . . . ehehehe . . . but miss celina doex look gud . . .

  5. I must be the only one who thinks the pink gown is actually very pretty! I agree with the mattress-y look but I guess thats because of the way Celina is holding/lifting the gown.

  6. Um, I’m pretty sure I bought that gray dress from Forever 21 a month ago (it’s a dream). Are you sure it’s Archana Kochar?

  7. How can anyone design that gown and show it off on the ramp?
    Its not celina’s fault at all…The poor girl actually had to wear it in public!

  8. Celina looks completely adorable in the first picture. She should dress like that more often cuz she is a pretty girl (who just makes terrible fashion choices!)
    The less said about the 2nd outfit, the better. hahaha

  9. how comfortable would it be to just sleep in the mattress dress..and the white one reminds me a lot of the Forever 21 – Floral Embroidered Mesh Dress..

  10. I don’tthink it’s that bad. Value the creativity. I like the way they have kept everything minimal as gown is so heavy and fluffy… when would we start appreciating Indian Designers for producing sometrhing different (“OTT” that’s what being called for Indian C) We can appreciate Alexander wang and appreciated Alexander McQ ….Why not Archana Kochar.

    What would you call Anna D R?

  11. Wow, she actually looks great in the F21 dress…what a change from her usual scary stuff. The gown is a joke; if you get tired of the party you wore it to, you can lie down on your gown for a good nap.

  12. i dont get one thing why did u guys cross the sentence where it says she looks cute, sometimes i noticed that anytime she looks cute, that lines crossed out, anyways she looks cute in the first one and second one but the dress for the second one is nice but if they remove the mattres like fabric or cover it

  13. She ooks really cute in teh first pic.. I would not ave beleived that Archana can design anything decent.. so it makes sense that its a forever 21 dress


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