Bhagyashree who had long been forgotten (come on now, admit it!) surfaced as the Brand Ambassador for the Jewels of India 2007 Expo only to make us fervently wish she’d crawl back into the woodworks again! Announcing the Jewellery Exhibition to be held in Bangalore, at a Press Conn, the lady in question was stacked with enough gold to uplift an entire geographical location economically!
Yes, being the ‘Brand Ambassador’ for Jewels of India 2007 Expo, it is befitting of her to be resplendent in fine jewellery, but from head to toe in gold is rather tasteless don’t you think?
Whatever happened to the subtle, sophisticated, statement making, jewellery pieces? Who do we blame? The guileless celebrities, the over-zealous sponsors or the incompetent stylists?
Neha Dhupia though fared much better at the Press Meet organized in Chennai, to announce a Jewellery Exhibition there!
lol.. i dont like neha’s “style” quotient at all. and i think bhagyashree would have looked much better oif she wore like a white sari to offset the gold bling.
I don’t care much for Dhupia myself, but this was purely ‘relative’!! And yes, a white sari would have gone a long way in helping Bhagyashree’s cause! Anything would have! That was just way much gold!