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Loved this appearance of Bhavna’s… and if it weren’t for the monogram arm candy (?), it would’ve been perfect.


Bhavna Sharma At Mathew Foss Art Gallery

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. Indeed. And without the wrinkles too.
    What happened to you’re fashion week post, I was going to get all excited for you- and then the link went to “page not found.”

  2. I like the way the drape falls on her, just wish she had given the dress for ironing 😛 esp since domestic help is so easy in india unlike us unlucky souls outside the country 🙁

  3. If it weren’t for the monogrammed arm candy, the statement necklace (statement seemingly being ‘I love my niece’s rock and shoestring collection!’), and that crumpled Valentine’s Day satiny bedsheet she swathed around herself, I’d have liked it too.

    The face is fierce.

    • Ha ha ha! Exactly my thoughts. She looks like she was woken up and dragged to this event. What’s with the messy hair?? This may well be a case of ‘trying too hard to look cool’!!

  4. U must be kidding! that dress is shapeless, needs ironing, the rings she’s wearing on her ankles/part of the shoe design.. atrocius.. her hair, lipstick.. all wrong

  5. Oh, this outfit is positively delicious! WHY did she have to mess with a good thing by toting that hideous purse? I’m gonna pretend it’s not there… LA LA LA I CAN’T SEE YOU!

  6. She looks great!!! And let me gather up my courage and say that I like the Monogram…I think it is a classic in its own right!! Readers–pls do not send me hate mail now!! 😉

    • hahaha!
      it sure is a classic..
      but of late they have come out with some real monstrosities … with big shiny buckles and studsa dn shiny leather … i think thats why its gone downhill for the rest of us…

  7. Halllooooo people! Wake up and smell the coffee! The emperor has no clothes on! Everything from the dress to the bag to the necklace to the shoes is fugville!

  8. I hate all things with brand names on it – the only exception is a classic monogrammed LV bag. I aspire to buy it some day.

    ok, It took some courage to admit it here.


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