Bag Spotting

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Whoa, Anupama Verma must still be making some reallly big bucks! How else was she able to get this LV Griet Tote!! The bag first featured on Scarlett Johanssen when she did the LV promos and the last time we checked, the listing on eBay for the tote was for more than $3000.

Some people just have all the luxuries in life! So unfair!!!

Bid via Ebay

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  1. hey guys – just came across this site.. its a great blog! 🙂
    p.s – any idea where anupama’s shoes are from i.e. what designer/brand etc. thanks

  2. dear anon#2: she’s already made it: for pete’s sake, I’m sure she’s been on the telly more than you and I ever have been. so why do you have a problem with how she spends her money, again? coz she’s not successful enough for you?
    let’s only pick on people’s style not their entire personalities while we’re here.

  3. […] seems to be steadily building up her Louis Vuitton collection, this time she was spotted with LV Beforedark bag! (Funny, just posted about Simone’s […]


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