In Isabel Sanchis

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Before she attended the Style Awards, Alia attended the Music Awards wearing another Isabel Sanchis look. She finished out the look with a Leiber minaudière and Louboutin sandals.

While am a sucker for anything vintage/vintage-inspired, this look felt rather disconnected to me. Between the Fifties-inspired top and the Eighties-inspired skirt, it’s just not a look that won my vote. Despite all of which, Alia to her credit still looked charming.

Alia Bhatt In Isabel Sanchis At Mirchi Music Awards 2015-2

Alia Bhatt At Mirchi Music Awards 2015

Alia Bhatt In Isabel Sanchis At Mirchi Music Awards 2015-1

Alia Bhatt At Mirchi Music Awards 2015

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. I agree about skirt but she still looks lovely. The shoes were a great pick for the look. I want that minaudiere so bad! She was styled by Rhea Kapoor.

  2. Problem with this look is – Her dress material really looks rich. With an almost off-white colour with a self-design pattern done beautifully! but what is with those black flaps on the side??? Looks like an oversized version of a horse’s blinkers put on the wrong place or maybe some magician’s cape??! Such an after-thought. On the whole, I believe with such an immaculate self-design, a beautiful dress could have come out. But then it stops at this unimaginative thing.. I really really really love those pair of heels but then cross legs don’t go with this dress and cross legs is so much like “being alia”, she doesn’t have any other pose! Also that clutch & hairstyle are something I like but sadly despite the things being individually great, they don’t come together beautifully!
    Its as if, the designer wanted to make a dress. Thought of making some nice skirt with a top and then it came out very common and nothing imaginative so added that black cape like thing on the sides of the skirt. Yuck! Can’t bear the sight of the black thing.

  3. never pair that dress with that top unless you want to look like a vintage roller girl. what on Earth is wrong with Rhea Kapoor? talk about ‘everything but the vintage throwback kitchen sink’ thrown at Alia in this ‘look’.


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