The ‘Dostana’ Effect

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While, wifey dearest seems to be suffering from the ‘The Pink Panther’ effect, we are wondering if hubby’s excuse is ‘Dostana’. 😛


Abhishek Bachchan in Dostana (L) and at the Airport (R)

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. Don’t these people wallow in TONS of money? difficult is it to hire a stylist or forthat matter develop some good taste considering the fact that they know loads of fashion designers/whos who in the fashion world.

  2. WHHHYYYYYY!!!!! And look at the expression on his face…it says I’m wearing my mother’s kitchen curtains AND I look soo coool.

  3. Florals are not for most men…maybe daniel craig if he’s in hawaii but personally I dont like florals on men…
    you guys didnt say anything about his supertight (i can think of a better word, but that would be adult content) jeans

  4. LOL…he looks ridiculous…i think its the jeans/belt (as opposed to the cas. cargo look he had going on in dostana) that makes it look worse…sorry.. lmao!

  5. good god…theyre both out of their mind..!!MAYBE aishwarya got the pink juicy as a gift from the studios in hollywood -(We hope)

  6. GAAH PUT IT AWAY!!! lol! And then he’s got it unbuttoned down to his chest…Abhishek- and every other man who wears a floral print shirt- you are not Don Juan!! Leave it alone!

  7. Oh, no, no, no. Really couldn’t stand his wardrobe in Dostana, and don’t think this airport look works at all. Though I do think Abhi is looking better trimmer and clean-shaven.

  8. His outfit is so feminine!! Ugly floral shirt, tight jeans, big belt and I’m guessing boots to go along with the rest of the horror.

  9. lol – now I want to see hubby and wife standing next to each other in their respective ridiculous outfits – and Ash needs to do something – she’s suddenly looking waaay older than Abhishek.

  10. *sigh* where to start?
    a.) floral shirts = not every man’s forte. certainly not ABs.
    b.) pants are too tight, though I can get a good idea of his “package” 😀
    c.) shirt should be buttoned.

  11. he’s always been this way. i remember the first time i had to shoot with him, i had to beg him to change out of this white shirt with blue flowers EMBROIDERED on it. and he had nothing else and we went ahead with it. still makes me cringe

  12. mwahahhah….just noticed the jeans! mwahhahaha….that is soooo funny…
    i think he shud just stick to wearable stuff and stop tryin to make a statement….poor abishek…tsk tsk tsk….mwahahhaha….good gawd!

  13. This shirt didn’t look so bad on screen but is terrible IRL.
    He could have worn a bright color, but florals for men are a big no-no.

  14. Hideous…he looked hideous in Dostana. he looks worse here. With ash in that awful pink outfit and this guy dressed like this makes for a perfect combo if extreme hideousness.

  15. i think his dressed sense looked good in dostana as it was for ‘sam’ and a movie role, but in real life na, all he’s missing is a floral lei and a hawaiin backdrop…also he needs stubble gives him a mopre ‘manly’ look…

    how i wish u guys would have included a pic of john too (in the dostana pic…) atleast that would’ve saved alot of us….


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