
Comment image 39

Does Aarti have enough beads already or do you think she needs ‘just’ one more! 😉

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Aarti Chhabria, Cornerstone Bash


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  1. And I always thought that Aarti will never over expose…Yellow inner wear paased as top Aarti..reall???..please spare the innocent on lookers…

  2. argh – my eyes!

    also, what is with all the pink makeup?! unortunately, the pink beads only accentuated it!

    despite this unfortunate outfit, it looks like she has put on a few pounds and is slightly more curvaceous – i like it 🙂

  3. May be she was trying to channel Carrie’s look frm Sex and the city. I remember an episode where SJP looks like she had jst returned frm Mardi Gras (making a lot of ppl reeeaallly happy – hence the no. of beads!). I thot SJP looked ridiculous (even though technically she was in pearls and not cheap plastic neon colored beads) and so does this chic.

  4. That corset is one of the most hideous things I’ve seen on this site. And she matched her belt with it too! Hon, tell me you styled yourself, because no one who styles you like this deserves to ever work in this field.

  5. Ill-fitting corset top…hmmm…no, wait…she forgot to wear a top, yellow belt, pink footwear,multi-color bangles, barbie doll makeup…oh,oh,oh…the BEADS!!! Nevermind. It’s too far gone.

  6. totally agree with above..this outfit is the most horrible thing ever…not only on the site, but ever……its screams ewwwwwwwwwww all over……

  7. just look at the bead placement!!! it has me in splits!! one to the right and one to the left.. and umm where do u think she put the third one, bang on in the centre.. hahahhaa

  8. Right, I really hope that mardi gras conquest enumeration thing isn’t what she’s going for here because the only place she could’ve procured those beads is preschool.

  9. It seems like she stepped out the door with just that revealing top, until her mum stopped her mid way and put all those beads around her to ‘cover’ up the family assets! har har har.

  10. Poor girl, she was just half way through getting dressed up, just about to slip on a shirt over her yellow INNER wear when a rainbow threw up on her and she realised nothing in her wardrobe matched the multi-hued ugliness that had drowned her upper torso. Brave of her to show up at the event though, I would have been too traumatised.

  11. the only place in U.S where i’ve seen such tacky beads + bangles + belt ( in such color& plastic) was in walmart’s kidswear section and woud never buy them even for my baby daughter , and sandals r the ones which comes with disney princess costume ……urgghhh
    still i could’ve spared her for all this “if only” she would’ve worn all of that with a covered top , i said top not lingerie

  12. Eh WAT!!!!!…After Tanisha..Now this..Did all of them end up at the Lingeria stores during sale and decided to double it as an outfit if need be..

    Looks like they must have really been in NEED..Cos nothing justifies this ugly yellow thing thought to have been accentuated by the even more ugly beads…

    WAT TASTE..So hookerish..

  13. MARDI GRAS !!! She’s not at a carnival is she?
    Then why the use of such cheap looking beads.
    On top of that the ugly bra and Lingerie combination. UGH! HIDDIOUS !

  14. i think the jewellery she bought is from kids section tht too from Reject shop 😉 reject shop = the $1 shop where u buy stuff NEVER and not even when u hav to donate 🙁


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