A Little Bit Of India At Tory Burch
Spotted these maxi dresses at Tory Burch… While we love her tunics, not a fan of these particular maxi dresses! We do like the jewelled neckline but the pattern/print is just a bit much… especially, the red one!
P.S: Do those sandals remind anyone else of Kolhapuris?
Left: Tanya Sandal
Right: Caylan Sandal
I don’t care if these sandals are designer – what a rip off!! I’m sure I can buy these for less than a 1000 rupees in India. $200+ for these sandals?! – YICKS!!!!!!!!!
They ARE kolhapuris! only very expensive.
You can buy these near Kala Goda near cafe Mondegar in Mumbai.. I suspect for not more than 500 rupess
I have ones from jaipur for 250 rupees… I actually like the red dress- very summer chic
Lol…..those are Kohlapuris. I like the twish with the heel. Pity those who have to dish out all that moolah for these.
cheee… what a rip-off. i see kolhapuris going the way of basmati and turmeric. we seriously need to impose IPR on indigenous goods.
i so love that pink/red dress!!
Ha! We can get better kolhapuri’s right here in Delhi….and I’m sure they’d be comfortable not just for my feet but for my wallet too!! And I don’t like the maxi dresses either, the jewelled necklines seem to added as an afterthought to jazz up the drab dresses!!
I bought some from SRI LANKA for like 300 rupees…that’s like $3.00 US -___-
…I still like those blue ones though
I like the one with the heels. It’s the creativity of socialite turned designer. Surprise Surprise!
Dont the necklines look inspired by Ranna Gill’s designs?
And these are definitely Kohlapuris.
fully agree with Flower Power above.
those dresses seem more African inspired than Indian
i bet those sandals aren’t as comfortable as the ones u could buy in india for like $2 bucks
they do resemble kolhapuris and they are a rip-off
Pretty sure I could get similar sandals at any street vendor or market..tsk tsk.
Not a big fan of patterned maxis but something about the red one, I do like.