Doing Desi

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Ambassadors for a jewellery brand, Dimple and Twinkle helped inaugurate a store in Pune on Thursday sporting desi looks. Now, we’ve seen the duo sport many a desi look most of them are in the ornate AJSK designs.

Just seeing Dimple in that Raw Mango sari made for a very welcome change. As did seeing Twinkle in that simple white and red palazzo kurta look.


Dimple Kapadia and Twinkle Khanna
at Ranka Jewellers Store Launch



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  1. Both of them looking beautiful !! I am liking Twinkle’s outfit.. The white & red color combo looks good on her..

    Ps: I keep going back to Sonam’s post :p
    The comments have gotten interesting than the post itself 😉

  2. They both look beautiful and I like the simple, elegant outfits. My gripe is this: why did you go blonde-ish Dimple?? I love your dark, auburn hair !!

  3. Well dressed mother, daughter duo. How gorgeous both of them look!! Loving that outfit and jewelry on Twinkle. Twinkle’s hair colour suits her.

  4. While I appreciate the love and skill some unsung colorist has bestowed upon Dimple’s hair, it just doesn’t go with her look of a simple saree and the modest draping of the pallu etc. She is ethereal though, isn’t she.. Twinkle also her jewellery.

  5. Gorgeous women. I believe Twinkle has done this same combo and done it so much better. Dimple, please go back to your old color hair… no sense in fooling with perfect hair. 🙂


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